Letters to the Editor Master Chorale show
was a masterpiece
It was a beautiful day! The sun was shining through the reluctant yellow
foliage in a last fling of beauty. St. Mary’s Church in Bethel was our
destination this past Sunday afternoon.
We were in for another treat by the recently formed Connecticut Master
Chorale by the director and conductor, Tina Johns Heidrich, and her group
of 56 singers. All are classified as highly gifted singers whose membership
is determined by private auditions. This fact alone means that one can
expect the very finest of performances.
The program was seasonal and was enjoyed by all ages. It was enhanced by
the very able Joseph Jacovino Jr., accompanist, and the Connecticut Master
Chorale Orchestra, along with selected soloists from the group.
When Tina Heidrich, who many consider to be among the very finest
conductors in the Northeast, puts on a program, it should be on everyone’s
priority list to attend the performance.
She expects the best of her singers and they respond to her aim of
perfection. The results can only be described as electrifying. Her vibrant
enthusiasm for producing her carefully selected repertoire is evident when
she raises her arms to signal the start of her program.
To music lovers, watch for her offerings of Dvorak’s Stabat Mater in
March and “Handel With Care” in May. You’ll be rewarded by exceptional,
pleasurable music. And arrive early, as this group performs to a full
Virginia Ciccarone