News & Reviews
Links to Connecticut Master Chorale reviews and press coverage:
2013-2014 Season
It may be cold outside but the Connecticut Master Chorale sure knows how to "Heat Things Up"
"…The afternoon was just a joy to experience…"
Holiday Prelude Concert Review, Southbury Patch, December 8, 2013
It may be cold outside but the Connecticut Master Chorale sure knows how to "Heat Things Up"
2012-2013 Season
Master Chorale salutes 'The Peacemakers'
"…chimes added to the heavenly chorus."
Jenkins' The Peacemakers Concert Review, Danbury News Times, March 5, 2013 -
Connecticut Master Chorale rekindles holidays in song
"…Heidrich and CMC have developed a distinctive finely polished sound..."
Holiday Prelude Concert Review, Danbury News Times, November 19, 2012
Master Chorale salutes 'The Peacemakers'
2011-2012 Season
Master Chorale celebrates America in song
"… an emotionally stirring concert…with bone-chillingly gorgeous harmonies."
I Hear America Singing Concert Review, Danbury News Times, May 22, 2012 -
Master Chorale simply perfect
"...CMC gave The Morman Tabernacle Choir a serious run for the money."
Holiday Prelude Concert Review, Danbury News Times, November 21, 2011
Master Chorale celebrates America in song
2010-2011 Season
Master Chorale soars in harmonic flight
"You could tell that something special was about to happen as the concert began..."
Around the World in 80 Minutes - Part II Concert Review, Danbury News Times, May 26, 2011 -
Master Chorale heralds in the holidays
"They are as close to a heavenly choir as anything you can find in this world."
Holiday Prelude Concert Review, Danbury News Times, November 24, 2010
Master Chorale soars in harmonic flight
2009-2010 Season
Circumnavigating the globe with the Connecticut Master Chorale
"While flying around the world, Heidrich and CMC were solidly grounded in choral excellence"
Around the World in 80 Minutes Concert Review, Danbury News Times, May 28, 2010 -
Master Chorale launches bright and bouncy holiday season
"The chorale's higher voices are sweet and blended and anchored by a solid bass sound..."
Holiday Prelude Concert Review, Danbury News Times, November 26, 2009
Circumnavigating the globe with the Connecticut Master Chorale
2008-2009 10th Anniversary Season
Heidrich and Connecticut Master Chorale celebrate 10 years of high notes
"Angelic voices took everyone to another part of paradise..."
10th Anniversary Concert Review, Danbury News Times, May 19, 2009 -
Chorale premieres Karl Jenkins' 'Stabat Mater'
"...with the CMC reaching some incredible heights."
Jenkins and Wilberg Concert Review, Danbury News Times, March 13, 2009 -
Master Chorale kicks off the holiday season
"The chorus is a well-trained group, with a rounded choral sound and rhythmic precision."
Holiday Prelude Concert Review, Danbury News Times, November 28, 2008
Heidrich and Connecticut Master Chorale celebrate 10 years of high notes
2007-2008 Season
Familiar music expertly performed
"The chorale is a well-trained group, nimble and articulate while able to summon up a big sound when needed."
Orff and Brahms Concert Review, Danbury News Times, May 23, 2008 -
Master Chorale sings sacred music
"It's no secret their concerts consistently generate musical excitement."
Rutter, Gounod and Rózsa Concert Review, Danbury News Times, March 14, 2008 -
Connecticut Master Chorale heralds in the holiday season
"... 55 beautiful voices, balanced and blended to perfection."
Holiday Prelude Concert Review, Danbury News Times, November 23, 2007 -
Prelude to the Holiday Season - Photo's
Partridge in a Pear Tree
Holiday Prelude Concert Photos, Bethel Beacon, November 23, 2007
Familiar music expertly performed
2006-2007 Season
Choral settings with a mix of sounds and styles
"The audience ... got an earful of some unusual sounds and responded enthusiastically."
McClure and Thomas Concert Review, Danbury News Times, May 25, 2007 -
Master Chorale gives a gem of a performance
"The blending of the voices throughout the emotionally charged passages was superb."
Jenkins and Vaughan Williams Concert Review, Danbury News Times, March 16, 2007 -
Chorale Brings Holiday Cheer
"It was one of those concerts you didn't want to end."
Holiday Prelude Concert Review, Danbury News Times, November 24, 2006
Choral settings with a mix of sounds and styles
2005-2006 Season
Connecticut Master Chorale Performs Film Score Music
"... some of the finest renderings of cinematic music I've ever heard."
Cinema Choral Classics Concert Review, Danbury News Times, May 26, 2006 -
Chorale Sings Oratorio Passionately
"Here was bold, exciting music...all impeccably produced by chorus and orchestra."
Parker and Mozart Concert Review, Danbury News Times, March 17, 2006 -
Chorale Performs at Carnegie
"Singing at Carnegie Hall...with the Children's Choirs is something I'll cherish for the rest of my life."
News Item, Voices, January 4, 2006 -
Latin Rhythms Special in Chorale Concert
"There is a reason such [full houses] are common for the Connecticut Master Chorale: it is simply an outstanding chorus."
Holiday Prelude Concert Review, Danbury News Times, November 25, 2005
2004-2005 Season
Master Chorale Gives Spirited Performance
"Once again Heidrich and the Connecticut Master Chorale demonstrated the flawless vocal execution and high level of their musicianship, as well as imaginative programming."
All Russian Concert Review, Danbury News Times, May 27, 2005 -
Master Chorale Presents a Lot of Rutter
"The Chorale sang marvelously..."
Rutter Concert Review, Danbury News Times, March 18, 2005 -
Annual Holiday Performance a Joy
"To sing as the Connecticut Master Chorale does, makes it a universal joy for everyone who hears them. They make it a part of the finer things people do and love."
Holiday Prelude Concert Review, Danbury News Times, November 26, 2004
2003-2004 Season
Uplifting Concert by Connecticut Master Chorale
"It was about as good as any choral concert can get."
Dvorak and Mendelssohn Concert Review, Danbury News Times, May 28, 2004 -
Chorale Presents Moving Requiem
"...first-rate singing from a first-rate chorale, with a first-rate director!"
Cheubini and Verdi Concert Review, Danbury News Times, March 19, 2004 -
A Full Plate of Holiday Music in Bethel
"The singing was always a pleasure to hear, the singers blended perfectly..."
Holiday Prelude Concert Review, Danbury News Times, November 28, 2003 -
Master Chorale Wins Competition For A Third Straight Year
"... this year was beyond my wildest expectations. They were fantabulous!"
- A. Curtis Farrow, Producer and Director of Gospelfest 2003
Feature Article, Newtown Bee, June 12, 2003
2002-2003 Season
Chorale Sings Handel Oratorio
"First and foremost, the chorale was in top form in all choruses performed."
Judas Maccabæus Concert Review, Danbury News-Times, May 22, 2003 -
Mozart and Franck: A Musical Meeting
"The performance exhibited all of the Chorale’s well-known virtues, including exceptional blending of voices, a cappella singing to die for, and crisp attacks."
Franck and Mozart Concert Review, Danbury News-Times, March 14, 2003 -
Connecticut Master Chorale is Heading Back to Carnegie Hall
"Terre Johnson first discovered the Chorale via their web site..."
Feature Article, Newtown Bee, January 16, 2003 -
White House Experience--Beyond Wonderful
"It's the ultimate honor...the top notch in our belt."
Front Page Article, Bethel Beacon, January 3, 2003 -
White House Gig the Thrill of a Lifetime
"It was grander than you could even imagine."
Feature Article, Danbury News-Times, December 23, 2002 -
Chorale Program Strikes Festive Note
"Gloria', with it's...vocal brilliance displayed the artistry for which the Chorale has become known."
Holiday Prelude Concert Review, Danbury News-Times, November 29, 2002 -
Chorale Director to Lead Group at the White House
"I thought it was a joke when I picked up the phone."
Front Page Story, Brookfield Journal, November 15, 2002 -
Chorale's Lucky Lottery Winners to Perform at White House
"We had the choice of either not going at all or taking only half the Chorale."
Local Story, Danbury News-Times, November 12, 2002 -
Chorale Invited to Sing at White House
"You had to peel them off the ceiling...we still can't believe it."
Front Page Story, Danbury News-Times, October 24, 2002
2001-2002 Season
A Mixed Bag of Beethoven
" was a stirring performance. The chorus sang with its wonted care for blend and purity of tone..."
The Power of Beethoven Concert Review, Danbury News-Times, May 24, 2002 -
Sullivan without Gilbert!
"The Te Deum...sounded thrilling..."
Rutter and Sullivan Concert Review, Danbury News-Times, March 15, 2002 -
Master Chorale Dedicates Show
"The audience...will walk away completely and gloriously uplifted."
Feature Article, Danbury News-Times, March 7, 2002 -
Symphony's All-Opera Program Sells Out the House
"It was a grand night for singing..."
Ridgefield Symphony Concert Review, Danbury News-Times, December 7, 2001 -
A Catholic Musical Leadoff to the Season
"The music was all highly professional...And the chorus covered itself with glory."
Holiday Prelude Concert Review, Danbury News-Times, November 23, 2001
2000-2001 Season
A Notable Difference
"It's all about the music."
Feature Article, Danbury News-Times, July 12, 2001 -
Master Chorale Wins Competition
"...they were on their feet hooting and hollering."
News Item, Voices, June 6, 2001 -
Connecticut Master Chorale wins first place at Gospelfest
"...we did our best and the crowd loved it."
News Item, Danbury News-Times, June 5, 2001 -
Heidrich Treats Handel with Care
"...singers performed with their customary skill and fervor..."
"Handel" with Care Concert Review, Danbury News-Times, May 25, 2001 -
Stellar 'Stabat' From Chorale
"As usual, the Chorale surpassed any preconceived expectations..."
Dvorak Stabat Mater Concert Review, Voices, March 21, 2001 -
Chorale Provides Seasonal Treat
"Singers and orchestra...prepared to perfection, performed with passion..."
Dvorak Stabat Mater Concert Review, Danbury News-Times, March 14, 2001 -
Master Chorale Show was a Masterpiece
"She expects the best of her singers and they respond..."
A Choral Fantasy - Letter to the Editor, Danbury News-Times, November 19, 2000 -
Not Everyone is Born with a Maestro's Moves
"...we produce beautiful music. But it's got to be fun."
"In Your Shoes", Danbury News-Times, November 6, 2000
1999-2000 Season
Moms Get Plenty of Good Music
"This conductor's hallmarks are care, precision and passion...."
All Puccini Concert Review, Danbury News-Times, May 15, 2000 -
Chorale Sets Musical Tone for Lent
"...and the choristers sang brilliantly. Let's hear the Brubeck again."
Brubeck and Bruckner Concert Review, Danbury News-Times, March 6, 2000 -
Chorale Celebrates a Mass by Dave Brubeck
"I am absolutely consumed with this work..."
Feature Article, Danbury News-Times, March 3, 2000 -
Chorale Packs Musical Wallop
"The whole thing...was sung with pinpoint attacks and superb blending..."
Rutter's Magnificat Concert Review, Danbury News-Times, November 22, 1999 -
Only 'Meaty Music' for her New Chorale
"Singing together is hard work, but it's got to be fun."
Feature Article, Danbury News-Times, November 17, 1999