A Choral Fantasy
Fall 2000 Concert CD
Tina Johns Heidrich, Conductor
Joe Jacovino, Accompanist
Connecticut Master Chorale Orchestra

- Let All the World in Every Corner Sing! - Vaughan Williams
- A Choral Fantasy - Mark Riese
- Fantasia
on Christmas Carols Clip 2 - Vaughan Williams
Bruce Boyle, solo - Gloria Clip 2 - Randol Bass
- The Word was God - Rosephanye Powell
- The Lord Is
My Shepherd - Thomas Matthews
Janet Bashar, solo - A Honduras
Alleluia - arr. Rob Glover
Elizabeth Barnes, solo - Pie Jesu (from "Requiem") - Andrew Lloyd Webber
- What You Gonna
Call Your Pretty Little Baby? - arr. W. Bisbee
Jackie Gaudet, solo - Children,
Go Where I Send Thee Clip 2 - arr. Mark Hayes
Gary Sander, solo