Jenkins and Vaughan Williams Concert
Winter 2007 Concert CD
Tina Johns Heidrich, Conductor
Joe Jacovino, Accompanist
Louise Fauteux, Soprano
Connecticut Master Chorale Orchestra

- Requiem - Karl Jenkins
- Introit
- Dies irae
- The Snow of Yesterday (haiku by Gozan)
- Rex tremendae
- Confutatis
- From deep in my heart (haiku by Issho)
- Lacromosa
- Now as a spirit (haiku by Hokusai)
- Pie Jesu
- Having seen the moon (haiku by Kaga-no-Chiyo)
- Lux aeturna
- Farewell (haiku by Banzan)
- In paridisum
- Palladio:
I, Allegretto - Karl Jenkins
(Theme of DeBeers Diamond commercial - "Diamond Music") - Adiemus
- Karl Jenkins
(Theme of Delta Airlines commercial)
May Steinberg, recorder - The Old Hundredth Psalm Tune - arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams
- Bless Ye The Lord (Benedicite) - Ralph Vaughan Williams